Patch Notes v2.4 Manifest Destiny
Новые локации:
- Gigante Island
Отдых,красота и бла-бла-бла
Трибурон организует состязания "Камень-ножницы-бумага" (уже страшно) Награда - энчантмент чипы. Для любителей экстримального отдыха - охота на Cabybaras или Crushing Watermelons.
Для совсем уж кровожадных туристов - арена Battle Ring in Gigante Beach.
- Bellem's Relic
Место нахождения Bellem's Relic - Огненный остров, ТОЛЬКО 1 канал. Здесь можно поохотиться на мобов, однако для этого вам понадобится ключ (Key of Bellem). Также ключ работает только в определённые часы. Здесь же можно отыскать сокровища - супер-пупер редкие вещи, но, помните, живыми до них добираются далеко не все :yes:
Новые ивенты:
Andre's Ultimately Fabulous Competition
1. All families are considered enemies except for squad members. Faction members not in the squad are deemed enemies as well.
2. You cannot view another's family name or detailed information.
3. The ability to "Force Attack" is disabled during the Competition.
4. Hero Seals will be awarded to the winners of the competition which players can redeem for Fantazztic prizes!
5. At several points during the melee there is a chance for a Raid Boss to appear. Players will have to choose to either fight each other or fight the Boss. Choose wisely.
In an effort to promote his Ultimately Fabulous Competition across the land, Andre has decided to host his Competitions outside of each of the three (3) main cities of the New World.
Andre's UFC - Poison Yard
Starts twice a day (8pm and 10.30pm PST) at the Coimbra Nimraldi Bridge.
If you managed to obtain the Hero's Seal from the event, you can receive your rewards from the NPC found at Coimbra Nimraldi Bridge
Andre's UFC - Battle Colosseum
Starts twice a day (7.30pm and 10pm PST) at the Reboldeaux Queen's Gate. Only families who are below Level 100 are allowed to compete.
If you managed to obtain the Hero's Seal from the event, you can receive your rewards from the NPC found at Reboldeaux Queen's Gate
Andre's UFC - Secret Temple
Starts twice a day (8:30pm and 11pm PST) at Thueringen Lakeside. Only the most Veteran of families will be allowed to compete in this most challenging fight.
If you managed to obtain the Hero's Seal from the event, you can receive your rewards from the NPC found at Thueringen Lakeside.
Новые НПЦ:
Племяшка Джека Умеет конструировать "много полезных девайсов" (кому что полезно...) Любит путешествовать.
Mi Karjalain
Ей надоело крафтить камушки в Ауче и она решила выбраться на волю в компании таких же отмороженных пионеров)
Маленький, почему-то больной мальчик из El Tejado Verde, о нём заботился Dr. Torsche и, сдаётся, научил его некоторым весьма необычнм штукам)))
Девочка с Gigante Island, исследователь Otite trades. Строгий отец обучил Сосо военному делу, а также преимуществам заклинаний Льда.
-New Veteran level Boots and Gloves have been added to the game.
-Additional Level 4 Mission Lobby Summon Stones:
-You can use Family Reputation to trade for the mission items. On Gigante Island you can find the "Mission Lobby Trader" NPC where you can spend 1,000 reputation to receive a random Lobby Summon Stone.
-Added new necklace recipes to the Precious Metal Merchant in the City of Auch.
-New gem recipes are available at the Precious Metal Merchant in the City of Auch.
-New costume recipes are available through Andre in Reboldeaux.
-New temporary back costume recipes are available through the Temporary Costume Merchant in major cites.
-Added new Premium Item: UPC Costumes for the following UPCs: M'Boma, Lisa, Claude, Catherine and Alejandro.
-Added new Premium Item: Costumes for the following classes: Fighter, Wizard, Musketeer and Elementalist.
-Added new Premium Item: Lacquer. This item will protect your items from breaking when failing during the Upgrade Process.
-Added new Premium Item: 10 Karjalain Boxes
-Added new Premium Item: 10 Eyewear Boxes
-Added new Premium Items: An assortment of temporary back items that give buffs.
-Edited level names for Combat/Tactics Manuals. They are now as follows: Basic (10%), Medium (15%) and Expert (20%).
-Returned Costume Packages.
-Changed the tradablility of mulitiple premium items
-Bayonets now functions more like rifles.
Изменения касательно мобов:
Added family monsters in lower level areas which will give more experience when killed. When any elite monsters appear, random amounts of other monsters will also appear together.
Изменения касательно классов:
-Wizard Class-
-Reflection has been changed to Energy Shield.
While active, Energy Shield will protect the user from damage by consuming SP instead of HP.
-Decreased the Levitation stance attack range.
-Increased the cooldown time for Photon Splash and Hole of Darkness.
-Added reagent for Photon Splash: One Magical Orb.
-Added reagent for Hole of Darkness: Two Magical Orbs.
-Reduced Mental RES when using Magical Piercing.
-Removed the decreased movement speed and DEF when using Invisible Stalker.
-Elementalist Class-
-Activate Mana has been changed to Elemental Protection.
This skill defends against any attack once. After blocking the attack, Elemental Protection fades.
-Increased damage of Meteor Strike, Firewall, Blazing Pillar and Volcanic Eruption.
-Increased damage for Will of the Warrior buff and removed increase attack speed.
-Corrected Karjalain's name.
-Corrected Gertrude's name.
-Added Class Skill: Earth Mental Attack.
Increases DEF, all RES and adds Mental ATK at the cost of decreased movement speed.
-Added Class Skill Violent Wind Attack
Increases ATK speed, movement speed and adds Lightning ATK at the cost of decreased DEF.
Другие изменения:
-Item drop rates in Katovic Snowfield have been adjusted: Item drop rates are raised for those materials needed to forge specialty items in the area.
-PvP Ranking Displaying Soldier Removed
-Resuscitation & Dispel Magic skills have been made ineffective against neutral families.
-Family reputation of families with a reputation of over 200 was initialized to 200.
-Increased chances of items appearing in a Bellem's Box.
-Initial Quarter Slots have been increased to 15. This should affect ALL players who previously had less than 15 Quarter Slots.
-Added 5th Quarters, players can now unlock up to 45 characters
-Remaining time for buffs will be indicated on the buff icon when you mouse over it.
-Implemented the 5 second rule when logging out, summoning a warp, exiting the program and moving to the Quarters. Players will now have to wait 5 seconds to use any of the above methods while in the field. If the player enters combat, then the 5 seconds countdown will be cancelled.
-Removed Costume selection at the character creation screen.
-Removed viewable character levels.
-Removed Lock Defend Mode.
-Armor will now change your character's appearance. Try different armor and see how you look.
-Costumes will still over-write your character's appearance.
-Corrected numerous text issues.
-Corrected issues with the term "Squad" being used when "Clan" should be used.
-Corrected numerous bugs.
-Corrected HP display errors when raiding high level monsters.
-Corrected several raid bosses' HP regeneration rate.
-Increased the chances of obtaining unique or elite items in Lobby Mission Level 1, 2 and 3.
-Players will automatically be moved to the Quarters after 90 seconds of inactivity in Raid Dungeons.
-Increased the spawn-rate of boss monsters.
-Decreased the chances of unequipped items dropping items while in Baron Mode.
-Added a chance to drop equipped items at high Baron Levels.
-Increased difficulty to remove baron mode.
-Weighted the number of items that can drop in Baron Mode based on Baron Level.
-Corrected issues with the term "Vernon" being used when "Baron" should be used.
-Increased chance for whole stacks of items to drop when killed while in Baron Mode.
-Resuscitation (Life's Breath) can only be used on Clan or Squad members
-Upon right-clicking on the player's name in the chat window, you will be able to use the following functions: -Whisper, Squad Invitation, Family Profile, Register Friend and Report User.
-Changed the in-system message colors
-New colors were designated to prevent confusion as most system messages and microphone shouts were of the same color.
-Added a new Bullet Charger next to the Equipment Merchant in each town.
-Players are now able to store Premium Items in their warehouse.
-Fixed an error that preventing Faction Wars from running.
-Fixed an error that prevented player's votes from being tallied.
-The Guards throughout the New World have bonded together and have begun imprisoning especially disruptive pioneering families. Be careful not to incur their wrath or you may find yourselves behind bars.
-Clarified Text on numerous UI Windows.
-Clarified numerous tooltip messages.
-Clarified several terms including ATK (Striking Power), AR (Attack Rating), DR (Defense Rating) and others.
-Moved and renamed Andre's Costume Box. It is now know as the Costume Collection Chest and can be found next to the Way Point in all major cities.
-Renamed a number of extraneous NPCs.
-Moved Election Boxes near the Way Point in all major cities.
-Added an election NPC near Election Boxes in all major cities.
-The Election Guide NPC will guide you in the election process and reward a prize for voting.
New Updates:
Characters that were created BEFORE the release of the Manifest Destiny patch have been allowed to keep their old costumes. This means they are unable to change their appearance with armor. Premium users may submit a ticket and request this feature be changed to the new version of the costume system.
Please note: You MUST be a Premium User (Purchased Gold within the past 30 days) to have this changed and it may take up to 14 days to correct the issue on your account.
Players can purchase up 36 Quarter Slots using vis. After obtain 36 slots players must buy a Quarter Slot Permit from the Cash Shop to increase their Quarter Slots to 45.